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January 25, 2024

The Core Curriculum on Medical Direction in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care has been around for a while, but it’s been far from static. It’s undergone many changes and updates to keep up with regulatory, procedural, and other innovations, as well as evolution in the medical director’s role and best practices for adult learning. The most recent changes to the Core Curriculum again take the program to a new level of excellence and utility for participants.

There are some exciting innovations included in the latest Core Curriculum updates. Luz Ramos-Bonner, MD, CMD, chair of the Core Curriculum Faculty Subcommittee, says, “We consulted with experts on adult learning, and we now have 30 interactive, on-demand modules that engage participants and speak to their needs and interests. They can navigate these at their own leisure, then click on additional resources if they want to learn more about any particular topic.” That means participants can create a learning experience focusing on the issues most relevant to their work and learning needs. The revised course is divided into four domains: foundation and basic concepts, the process of care, what every medical director is tasked with (including quality improvement and oversight), and systems thinking.

The online modules also involve case-based scenarios with real-time information participants can use to address organizational issues. In addition, there are new modules on hot topics such as the medical director in assisted living and the medical director as an organizational leader. Existing modules were also updated to reflect regulatory changes and the need for the medical director to better understand the business of post-acute and long-term care. “We have included an updated financial module to help them be more adept with things such as financial spreadsheets, budgeting, and strategic planning,” Dr. Ramos-Bonner explains. “We also put a new emphasis on organizational culture and structural relationships as these are increasingly essential to ensure healthy teams and staff retention and engagement.”

The second part of the Core Curriculum, the live synthesis weekend, still focuses on giving participants an opportunity to take what they learned in the online course and apply it to practice, problem-solving, and everyday tasks and challenges. They also enjoy small group interactions and establish friendships and collaborations that last over time. “They experience a one-of-a-kind cross-pollination of best practices,” Dr. Ramos-Bonner says.

The Core leaders and faculty are committed to keeping the program fresh, practical, and beneficial to participants. “We often hear from people who go through the program that they didn’t realize how much they still had to learn, even when they’ve been medical directors for years,” says Dr. Ramos-Bonner. She adds, “We want to challenge ourselves to continue to engage our audiences so they not only learn but have a participatory experience that makes learning sustainable and personalized.”

Dr. Ramos-Bonner says between the online and the live programs, “The curriculum is streamlined and caters to the busy clinician so it is complementary to what they are doing and not intrusive. There also is more flexibility and the ability to create a customized learning experience.”

Pursuing the Certified Medical Director (CMD) designation through the Core Curriculum is more important than ever, Dr. Ramos-Bonner stresses. As she explains, “In places like California, legislation has passed mandating that medical directors be CMDs; and we expect more states to follow suit.” At the same time, she notes that the CMD “means credibility, quality, and a knowledgeable clinical leader who knows about the regulations and can truly advocate for residents, staff, and the organization as a whole.”

Dr. Ramos-Bonner is pleased to help others pursue their CMD, as it has meant a great deal to her. She says, “It has opened doors to a breadth of colleagues and mentors. With the CMD designation, I’m not just viewed as a clinician but as a true physician leader, and I am a peer to the administrator so we can jointly make decisions about the care of our residents.”

There’s never been a better time to start or continue your CMD journey. Get more information about the Core Curriculum.