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As our organization is increasingly called upon to prepare and deliver presentations to organizations, we must periodically review and understand our strengths and limitations as a group.  

Given the current state of our personnel and financial resources, Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) in agreeing to arrange and/or sponsor a speaker on a given topic, must make the following assumptions:

  1. The text, content and visual aids must be the sole responsibility of the presenter, so designated by the organization.  PALTmed can assume no logistical or financial responsibility for any of the materials or their content development except under the circumstances as follows:
    1. The Board of Directors or Executive Committee specifically mandates PALTmed logistical or financial support for content development or visual aids.
    2. Specific presentation content and/or visual aids pre-exist by virtue of … and are available through one of several mechanisms:
      1. Previously developed by PALTmed as a standard presentation;
      2. Available from another PALTmed member who had developed them for their own use, with that member’s express permission and the understanding that the member providing the materials be given full acknowledgement during any presentation as the original source of the materials;
      3. Existing presentation content and/or visual aids can be identified from the other sources such as pharmacological libraries, or other benefactors.
  2. Funding for travel expenses and honorariums will be assumed to be the sole responsibility of the requesting group or organization or the individual who agrees to make the presentation except under the following circumstances.
    1. The Board of Directors or Executive Committee mandates the presence of the identified speaker at the identified conference on the specific topic for a specific date as a representative of PALTmed and agrees in advance in writing to assume all or part of the speakers expenses, in keeping with PALTmed’s reimbursement policy.
    2. PALTmed is able to identify and arrange a third party to cover the identified speakers’ expenses and/or honorarium.
  3. Handouts – any written or printed materials that a designated speaker might make available at the time of, in support of, or available at a later date upon request will be the responsibility of the presenter to develop in final form, arrange for duplication and transport to the site of the presentation except under the following circumstances:
    1. Board of Directors or Executive Committee agrees in advance to provide staff and finance support in printing or copying and/or delivery of materials to the location of the presentation.
    2. PALTmed will at no time be responsible for the presentation of such materials unless they previously exist in the library of literature maintained by the organization, have been made available by a third party with their permission, or the Board of Directors or Executive Committee mandate or support their development with … financial obligations, likewise approved.
  4. Any support agreed upon by PALTmed for a designated speaker for content development, visual aids development or production, written or printed materials as well as any other financial or logistical support for the designated presentation, will be strictly predicated on the compliance of the presenter with deadlines established by PALTmed in advance for completion of designated tasks upon which the presentation is based.  Failure to comply with any deadline set forth may jeopardize PALTmed’s agreed upon support for all or part of the speaker’s efforts and requirements for the identified presentation.
  5. Who speaks for PALTmed (refer to existing policy).


Note: Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is now Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed).